Editorial policy


The Lost Magazine team work tirelessly to present stories to our readers about the Daylesford, Hepburn and Spa Country regions. We research stories, businesses, venues, places and people thoroughly to ensure that we bring the best stories to life and that they are independent, original and of interest to our readers. We take this responsibility very seriously. 

Our editorial is not for sale. You can’t purchase it. Our editors decide which articles and stories are the right fit for Lost Magazine.

Unsolicited submissions are always welcome but there is no guarantee that we will publish any or all of it. Lost Magazine reserves the right to exercise its editorial judgement and reject any article at any time for any reason. We don’t offer payment or compensation to the author of any unsolicited submissions regardless if the submission is published in part or in its entirety. We reserve the right to publish any unsolicited submissions now or in the future.

The views expressed in all Lost Magazine’s publications are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the office position or policies of Lost Magazine.

If you have any questions about our editorial policy please contact us here.